First off - I quite like the term 'Bloggerville' ... When I first read the posts - I thought I might want to label my title as 'Welcome to Blogsville' - but since Blogville already exists - decided to continue the trend of keeping t

As Shibu puts it - what is Bloggerville ? As far as I go - is a large community (albeit cyber) where the many blogger residents come together - if not on a daily; at least a regular enough basis - and set their thoughts free !
It's home to those who find themselves laden with a never ending train of thoughts that need articulating in some way or form lest they be forgotten in the chaos of day-to-day living.
Think about it this way - if you went to work one day and blurted out every thought you had - people around you might just be dialing a crisis helpline ! There are people we encounter who are unable to process or fathom how one is able to consider a thought or opinion that is solely based on their on personal ideology and is not inspired by traditional books; facts or figures.
Carol and Shibu have got it quite pegged down ... In this vast cyber space - there will be blogs in Bloggerville that we as individuals will enjoy; agree with or disagree with; some that make us laugh; others that show you pain; and some that show you great insight into a topic that you might not know about.

The more you look into the insightful chapters of those in Bloggerville - the feeling that you are not alone out there in your thought process is reassuring - comforting - admit it - it's a huge sigh of relief - that there is someone else out there with a completely unknown and unrelated background - who 'gets' what you mean.
The Bloggerville Residents are non-judgemental - they accept you as the parcel that you are - and provide in their own little ways - that it is in fact OK to be saying, doing or thinking what you are. They also impart and share knowledge - thus giving our mind that much needed exercise when the monotony of 'every day living' becomes just a tad too predictable !!
So I take this opportunity to Thank You - the Residents of Bloggerville; my neighbours who follow my journey of Sparodic Reflections - for taking the time to stop by my Blog and spending a few minutes soaking in whatever I have to offer; and for taking me down your subconscious avenue of insights.
Hi Daze,
Sorry to address yo like thats, since I don't know your real name. Thanks for commenting on me in your blog. As u say, the term 'Bloggerville' by Carol is really revolutionary. I quite liekd the term. And my courtesy to accept em as your bloggerville neighbor. Someday, in future, hope to meet you by a dinner table with my wife(Its futuristic), as I am getting married on coming Tuesday!!!
i never actually thought about the origin of 'bloggerville' i had always taken it 4 granted!
very befiting pics by the way.
u neighbor
Wow, thanks for the article that takes my thoughts to a new level. I love the thought of this being a great community where you spend time finding like minded and yet diverse people to talk to via words. Thanks again and Shibu what a fun thinking you added here. Love the neigborhood.
Shibu - congrats on your upcoming wedding (if you need any last minute assistance let me know - I'm a wedding planner by day!!)
Tangerine - glad to know that my neighbour is unscathed by whizzing bullets ! check out they have wicked images
Carol - hip hip hooooray for the Residents !!! Your post started the trend :) Glad to have you in the hood heheh
Love thy neighbour peeps !!1
Wow! I'm also a resident of Bloggerville. Hello neighbours!! :)
Seriously, it would be fun to catch up in real life somewhere... sometime...
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