At the stroke of midnight, as we toasted to champagne - my friends and I went about sharing our resolutions / ambitions for the year. We determined that everyone is out to make more money and wants to travel more than they already. Keeping those two points aside - what is it that we all want to achieve for the coming year.
I came out with the below aims : Focus on expanding my business (in the bespoke travel sector) and to Start Writing Again ! Having said that I realized that somewhere in the back of my mind - that I have been drawn towards writing / blogging but something always comes up. It could be that at times I'm not in the frame of mind to pen my thoughts; sometimes my thoughts are zooming around at over a 100 miles per hour and I can barely keep up with them .. and at other times I get this sense of 'heaviness' that ends up in an emotional block. To be fair to myself, I have been working on my Company blog over the last year
Whilst recovering from my NYE party (it wound up at 7 a.m !) - it struck me that if I don't do at least 'try' to start writing - I will keep putting it off until there's no coming back to it (okay maybe that's harsh but I will try to not let it get to that point).
I have always found the Ultimate Blog Challenge inspiring and that's what got me into blogging more regularly. At last count - I have 794 posts spread over 6 years (2014 & 2015 were not my best blogging years where I barely churned out 20 posts over the whole year). My last attempt at the Challenge wasn't all there; but I'm going to give it another shot. So here I am .. hoping that my fellow bloggers and blog readers will be there to encourage my foray back into the blogger world.
Happy 2017 Folks !! Hope you have a fantastic year ahead !
Happy 2017 Folks !! Hope you have a fantastic year ahead !