I’ve more or less passed out at my laptop every night for the past 3 weeks now. I can’t believe just how exhausted I’ve been ! It’s this horrid combination of being over-worked; staring at the laptop for hours on end; the Indian summer heat-wave (think 39 C) and long hours of driving in the traffic hell that is Bombay !
And my poor blog, it’s been so neglected. I start Windows Live Writer with the intention to write but before I know it – I’ve yawned myself into tears and just need to put my head down .. and when I open my eyes, it’s stupid o’clock and the laptop is already in sleep / hibernate mode and that’s when I just go back to bed.
I need some ‘me’ time .. just not sure when that is going to happen.
p.s. this post was written on 11th March and only just managed to get published !