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And Then It Was 2017

Dazed Reflections of A Diva Staff | 15:29

It seems like just a few months ago I was finally making progress with my blogging writers block and then suddenly it's 2017 !!  At the stroke of...

Happiness Is ... Choosing Your Own Path

Dazed Reflections of A Diva Staff | 18:00

I realise that this might be a tad deep when you sit back and think about it - but really makes sense.   A large majority of people...

Happiness Is .. Cash In Your Savings Account

Dazed Reflections of A Diva Staff | 20:48

Come on !! Who doesn't get a happy feeling knowing that there's some extra cash sitting in the bank account ?  Instead of spending that rolled up tenner...

Happiness Is .. Financial Independence

Dazed Reflections of A Diva Staff | 20:36

Nothing quite beats the feeling of financial independence ! I started my first business at 21 and my second at 28.  I may not be able to afford...

Happiness Is .. Making Peace With Your Past

Dazed Reflections of A Diva Staff | 11:00

Sometimes you just have to confront your past and lay out ground rules so that it doesn't suddenly pop up and send your present helter-skelter.  As hard as...

Happiness Is .. Accepting Yourself

Dazed Reflections of A Diva Staff | 15:08

How aware are you of who YOU really are ? Are you aware of the positive & negative qualities that you possess and the qualities that people think...

Happiness Is .. The Love of Parents

Dazed Reflections of A Diva Staff | 20:00

Doesn't seeing this image leave you with a warm fuzzy feeling ? We often take our parents for granted and oversee the sacrifices they have made to ensure...

The Ultimate Blog Challenge Theme Reveal

Dazed Reflections of A Diva Staff | 23:02

With the Ultimate Blog Challenge just around the corner - I have more or less decided on a theme for my blog posts.  Have you heard or come...

#WW 76 The Yellow Brick Road

Dazed Reflections of A Diva Staff | 11:30

I came across this stunning picture on the Dragon Writing Prompts blog and there was an instant connection to it.  I think it's perfect for #WordlessWednesday !  I...

How About The Food Pill ?

Dazed Reflections of A Diva Staff | 01:00

I came across the below blogging prompt from The Daily Post free E-Book : 365 Writing Prompts last week.    If you could get all the nutrition you needed in...

#WW 75 What Are Your Roots ?

Dazed Reflections of A Diva Staff | 10:22

Apparently my roots are Greek ;)  What about yours ?  Happy Wordless Wednesday folks ! Don't forget to share your linky below !  ...

To Theme Or Not to Theme ?

Dazed Reflections of A Diva Staff | 12:00

As you may be aware, the Ultimate Blog Challenge is back in October 2015 and yours truly is taking part in it to get out of my blogging...

#MM 95 Pit Bull Feat Chris Brown - Fun

Dazed Reflections of A Diva Staff | 14:14

There are people who are bummed out by Mondays - I'm NOT one of them.  Then again, I like to call Mondays my unofficial day off since I...

The Social Network

Dazed Reflections of A Diva Staff | 15:57

I came across a prompt from The Daily Post free E-Book : 365 Writing Prompts whilst on the hunt for some blogging inspiration.  I'm going to combine this prompt...

Do You Need Daily Blogging Inspiration ?

Dazed Reflections of A Diva Staff | 20:10

I've been on the look out for some blogging inspiration - especially now that I've decided to sign up for the Ultimate Blog Challenge .  The last few...

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