Then, the other night I came across The Daily Post blog site which has a Daily Prompts section. It's quite cool as there is a 'daily' prompt (as the name suggests). The prompt is a word or up to 3 words from what I've noticed topped up with a question / statement that you can put your own response to in case you don't want to think of a topic solely based on the prompt word(s). The site also allows you to pingback to their posts and enables your post to be visible to all the participating bloggers.
Quite a few of the prompts have caught my attention and I'm hoping to get cracking on them at the earliest. I may have to back-date some of them to go in accordance with the Prompt schedule or maybe it won't matter at all. I'll figure that bit out. I'm a bit of a stickler for order.
I also came across A Prompt A Day which has only just started in June and as the name suggests - the host puts up prompts ranging from a word, an image, a quote. There are about 80 prompts so far.
Another interesting site is The One Minute Writer - wherein there's a daily prompt but you have 60 seconds to jot your thoughts down in the form of a comment. Of course you can take this a step further and expand on your own blog. I know I would do that.
So there you go - in case you are in need of some writing inspiration, I'd definitely recommend heading on over to any of these blog sites and see what it is that inspires you to write.
p.s Don't forget to share your blog link in the comments so that I can visit your page.