Wrong Country !! Duh !

By | 10:27 6 comments

OMG I cannot believe what a big fat boo-boo I have just made !

My last post To Blog .. and How ??!! was inspired by Nandoism’s Valentines Erotica Submission … and I was just about to re-publish the competition details when I realised that …

Submit your BEST erotica story (preferably TRUE, but not necessary) to: empirelabspromo@gmail.com with a 500 word MAX limit. The contest officially begins NOW, Mon Feb 1 and ends Mon, Feb 8th--so hurry up and start writing!

To officially enter follow @nandoism and @empirelabs on twitter and send us a tweet using #eroticvibe letting us know you’ve submitted your naughty little entry!

*Title your email: Nandoism’s Valentine Erotica Submission
Entries must come from the Continental USA
*Must be 18 years of age or older
*Open to both male/female
*Open to everyone regardless if in a relationship or single

Yeah I belong to the WRONG COUNTRY ! I’m not from the Continental USA .. I don’t even live close by to it :( I’m all the way on the other side of the world ! In fact I live 2 oceans away from the USA ! *sigh* maybe they’ll just let me enter and fizzle me out for not reading the rules … duh

Now that I’ve gone and divulged my secret literotica writer (albeit only two erotica works on hand) … I’m kinda embarrassed *Cringe*




I suppose I’ll just have to get over it … it’s my inner Blogger Voice .. and I should learn to just listen to it and pen my thoughts the way I want to … no holds barred sorta thing.  Worth a shot right ?



Anonymous said...

Thanks for this useful information that you have been shared to us readers.
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crazynigerian said...

lol! @ 'duh!' lovely entry. I had a rough day but reading this put a smile on my face. Just to quote you and compliment your post this one is dedicate to you :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jpYwsfC3ZY

Dazediva said...

@ CrazyNigerian .. I'm glad you got smiling :) I reckon you have a great smile actually ! I can see you chuckling away in your banker boy suit looking at your laptop ! hahah and this song is sooo lovely ! mushy & lovely ! awwww ! my first song dedication this year :)

Anonymous said...

you've written erotica?? where do I sign up?? ;)

Dazediva said...

@ Ve ... yesss !! I've written Erotica .. AND I WON that particular competition ... you can't imagine how I cringed when the Postal office called me and told me to explain why I had prohibited items coming to the country in my name hahahah

I can't tell you where to sign up .. I'm kinda embarrassed about it .. what will you guys think of me ?? LOL my blog is pretty PG that way :P

Anonymous said...

You won the competition?? I knew you were good.. but that good??

Btw.. what exactly is first prize for the female author of an erotica writing competition?? Prohibited items? I'm guessing it wasnt a plaque for mommy and daddy to proudly display on the mantlepiece! LOL.. So shud I just let my imagination run wild or are you gonna tell me?