Diva’s Resolutions For 2013

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The other day a friend of mine, randomly says to me ‘isn’t one of your new year resolutions to drink more water’ ? I wasn’t quite sure where he got that from because other than penning down a set of resolutions back in 2010 – I hardly ever make New Year resolutions.  Then I realized, he might be referring to this really nice set of ‘thoughts’ I had come across and put up on my blog as Divas’ New Year Resolutions on 1st Jan 2012.  I’ve actually had that image as my desktop picture and I suppose in some ways a lot of those thoughts have worked for me.


Looking back at 2012 – and now connecting it with the ‘resolutions’ – I reckon I’ve done a pretty good job.  According to my business partner, I’ve ‘calmed down significantly’ after taking an extended break to get out of India.  The trip honestly has done wonders for me and I just feel like a brand new person.  That’s what I need.  I’ve also picked up the ‘this too shall pass’ attitude so I’m stressing less than I was before.  I actually feel like I have cut back on sugar … I do love my desserts, but if it doesn’t hit the spot then what’s the point of having it right ? (And this cannot be considered complaining!)


All of the above considered, I came across another really nice set of thoughts that caught my attention (who would think it’s so hard to find a nice set of resolutions that do not involve ‘lose weight’) which shall go alongside my existing desktop picture.


What do you think  ? Have you made any New Year Resolutions ? Do you actually manage to keep them ?