Before I start today’s post, let me throw a few questions your way.
- Do you want other bloggers to know about your blog ?
- Do you think you have a fun blog and want more readers ?
- Do you want to be recognized as a budding blogger with tons of potential ?
- Do you have amazing products and want to reach out to new clientele ?
- Are you looking to publish and distribute the next best-seller on this side of blogosphere ?
- Are you publishing blog content that everyone should read at least once ?
If you answered Yes to any of the above (very random questions) then my darling blogger friend, you better start pimping your blog ! And I don’t mean by standing in a dodgy alley and giving out your blog business card.
Social media is an amazing space and the most perfect place for you to pimp your blog without fear of being judged. To use social media effectively, you know ‘know your audience’. . Flowtown has a great infographic on social media demographics on their site.
6 Ways To Pimp Your Blog Diva Style
- Create a Face Book Fan Page for your blog and invite all your FB friends to ‘Like’ It. Tell your Twitter friends too !
- Use Networked Blogs to sync your blog posts to your Facebook profile and Facebook Fan Page.
- Create a Twitter account if
you aren’t already on it – make sure your twitter name is something people can associate with your blog (if you are an anonymous blogger)
- Tweet and Re-Tweet to your hearts’ content and use relevant hash-tags so people can find your content.
- Digg the posts you enjoy
- Stumble your own posts and share other posts you Stumbleupon.
- Add your blog link to your email signatures. I do that on my personal email as ~ My Dazed Reflections
- If you are a business blogger or have a blog for your business, then LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for B2B (business to business) companies.
How do you pimp your blog over social media ? What works for you ? What other platforms have you used that aren’t mentioned ?
Feel free to leave your FB Fan Page; Twitter ID’s and Linked-In Profiles in the comments so others can share some bloggy love with you.