Divas’ New Year Resolutions

By | 10:28 Leave a Comment

Happy New Year Everyone ! I can’t believe we’ve already hit 2012 ! I’m still recovering from an extremely insane night out with my mates at the Royal Terrace and my feet are in pain !!

I don’t tend to make New Year Resolutions (not because I can’t keep them but because resolutions change depending on circumstances).  However I did come across this image with lots of key phrases and I thought – yeah that makes sense and pretty easy to manage. (oh and today also happens to be Day 1 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge that I’m taking part in)


Sometimes we need to take in the simple things that life has to offer us and step back to see just how much of a smile it leaves on our face.  I tend to be a very hyper (and aggressive) individual so I keep hearing my mates tell me that I should be more positive or smile more etc.  It’s not like I don’t – I do – but at times I feel like Bombay just tests every ounce of energy & patience that I have.

Looks like I’m just gonna have to turn that around for 2012 ! Do you have any New Year resolutions ? Any tips on how to stick to the ones you do make ?

p.s. if you are taking part in the Ultimate Blog Challenge, don’t forget to share your link below