I've been thinking about the way I can edge myself back to the blogosphere and I reckon that the best way for me to do this would be to get myself in gear for the Ultimate Blog Challenge October 2015.

There are few simple rules to follow if you are interested in taking up the Ultimate Blog Challenge:
- Post every day for 31 days (yup - that's why it's a challenge). Doesn't matter if you post twice a day and then skip a day – but you have to hit 31 posts over the entire month of October.
- Each post must have a minimum of 100 words to count – so you can’t just put up a picture or a video and leave it there. You need to actually express yourself in at least 100 words.
- Once you've posted, then tweet your post with the tag #blogboost so other participants can find you, and come comment on your blog
- Join the UBC Facebook page and find yourself amongst fellow bloggers; just add your link on the daily post comments section and visit other blogs
- Go to the #blogboost page and take the time to read other participants blogs (and don’t forget to comment!)
- No adult blogs – so keep it PG
- Have fun whilst you blog !
You can sign up over here : http://www.ultimateblogchallenge.com and enter your name and email address (this also allows the organizers of the challenge to send you across daily blog ideas and gets you listed on the site as someone who is participating)
Have you ever been a part of any Blog Challenges ? Would you consider being a part of this 31 Day blog challenge ? I have really enjoyed the UBC in the past and discovered some fab blogs along the way. Given my recent writers block - I hope to be able to just get on with it and hit my target of 31 posts for the month of October. Now I just need to think of a theme !!
If you do decide to take part in the challenge, please make sure you leave a comment and share your blog link so that I can stop by your blog .