The one thing I’ve
learned in the last year of taking part in the Ultimate Blog Challenge is that unless
you are a natural writer or someone who is in the habit of blogging every
single day – it can get a bit difficult to find inspiration to post every day
of the challenge.
And that’s where a ‘theme’
really comes in handy and can keep you motivated to blog every day. My very first UBC was in Jan ’12 where I just blogged about random topics every day – and it did get hard towards the end of
it. I followed up this challenge by
taking part in the A to Z Challenge in April ’12 where I focused on the theme ‘The A to Z of Blogging’ since each day had to be a post beginning with a letter of the

Do you have a theme that you are following for the Ultimate Blog Challenge ? Don't forget to share your blog link in the comments so I can come visit during the course of the challenge.