Mumbai Moments Captured

By | 20:10 10 comments

Further to my last post about how Al Pitcher uses photography of day to day things found in whichever city he is in … I reckon that I too have quite a few ad hoc images that I feel can only be seen in Mumbai (and around India) …

Drum Rolls …. Raising Curtains ….

The Motorbiker Series

It’s quite rare to see ‘just’ two (yes the number 2) people on a motorbike in India … I’ve travelled to Bangalore, Delhi, Calcutta, Kerala, and Goa .. and everywhere – it’s the same ! You get more Bike for 5than 2 people on a motorbike !

Here’s a classic that I captured with not 1 or 2 or 3 but FIVE passengers – of which only ONE was wearing a helmet !

Talk about recklessness !  The traffic out here alone is enough to worry me from ‘inside’ a car !

I can’t even imagine how people on motorbikes feel !

If that’s not bad enough – traffic in Mumbai especially - is so haphazard – no one believes in indicating; the horns are used as naturally as we breathe – it’s deafening ! 

Whilst driving to Pune one weekend .. but before that I will digress as there’s a fab joke that Al Pitcher did on this .. Pune a city about 180 kms away from Bombay is pronounced Poo-neh, also be known as Puna.  Al was talking to one of the reporters and said how he was looking forward to coming and performing in ‘PUNE’ – pronounced ‘pyoon’ but meaning ‘peon’ as in attendant / messenger in India …

So anyway going back to my drive in Pune – I came across the rare sight of just two people on a motorbike … Woman Reading Book on Bike

Seems alright doesn’t it … two people, both WITH helmets as well … quite an smooth looking road and quite empty as well from this angle … Now take a closer look at them ….

Woman Holding Book closeup

yup … that’s right … She is READING a BOOK whilst sitting as a pillion passenger !!!  Damn and I had thought WOW – I have found the model motor biker couple who could inspire and influence others to wear helmets and ride around safely !  But seriously – hats off to this woman for being brave enough to read whilst on the back of a motorbike ! Don’t get me wrong, I love reading but not at the risk of my life !

And on that note – if you don’t find multiple riders on a motorbike … you will always find the solitary hero riding around like there’s no care in the world … Man Holding Helmet

… and it’s because he knows that he’s going to be safe on the roads leading to Chandigarh because he’s got his HELMET tucked into his ARM ! Man Holding Helmet closeup copy

That’s all from me on the Motorbiker Series … I do have many more funny moments captured and will share it with you all over the next few weeks … After all can’t give you all the photographic evidence I have managed to acquire in one shot now – I got to make sure you come back for more … =)


Tangerine said...

Lovely photographs! Very apt.

In my state its always max 2 ppl on a bike never more... having moved south it still amazes me how so many ppl fit into one bike!!!

Dhiman said...

It happens only in India :D .... more than ppl cramp onto a 100 motorcycle or even on a scooter ... actually I myself have done that in my college days :D

Dazediva said...

@ Tangerine ... It's scary how many of them can get crammed onto a bike !

@ Dhiman ... it's true .. only in India !

Cinema Obsessed said...

We lived in the Dominican Republic for two years, and it's the same thing! You see a fmaily of 5 on a moto, or two guys carrying a washing machine, or a ladder... ridiculous stuff like that!

Mishi said...

Hi! Just checking out your blog. I'm loving these crazy pictures. :)

Dazediva said...

@ Cinema Obsessed ... the Dominican .. very nice ! never been there - can't wait to drop a visit

@ Mishi .. thanks for stopping by :) hope you come by more often ! I have a few more series of posts like this to share

Hitesh said...

i was laughing while reading the whole post.....i always want to know how and wat ppl think of India.......the place i live in.....

there pictures are quite normal to me......yea....done that too.....i have done till 4 on one bike.....and as you were it feels...?? now it feels awesome....more awesome than even cause now i know....u ppl never tried it..... :)

I have lived in Mumbai, Delhi..and rite now in may amaze.....but rite i love these things.......

you take care.....and plz...write more.....will be waiting....

woo hoo....\,,,/

Anonymous said...

I had not only read but memorized chapters after chapters sitting on the back of the bike b4 exams.. now when I look at the pics it kinda makes me feel how stupid I would have looked to the bystanders!! :P

Dazediva said...

@ Hitesh ... It might be awesome and I have definitely never tried to get on a bike with more than one other person before .. and with the way traffic is in India I don't think I want to risk my life for a joy ride LOL thanks for dropping by and will be putting up a new Mumbai Moments post soon :)

@ Gautam .. am impressed with your reading skills !!! I would think it's a bit difficult to read a heavy text book on the back of a bike ! I can safely say have never done that before ... ! Checked out your blog - and congrats on your award :)

cosmetic dentists Sydney said...

Those are crazy people who do that act and don't wear the helmet. In my point of view every one must have obey the rules.