I had taken this picture on 16th May ‘10 near the Gateway of India after my girlfriend Sabu and I had returned from the Elephanta Caves. It was sooo hot that even the doggy needed to cool off with some ice cream !!
Diva's Memoirs
- Dating In A Foreign Land : Bombay
- Wordless Wednesday #19 Smiling Sun
- Music Monday #19 Leonard Cohen – In My Secret Life
- Sexy Saturday – Demi Moore
- Branding : Nissan Juke Lights Up the Night
- Wordless Wednesday #18 We All Need Ice Cream
- Dazed Poet : Who Am I ?
- Music Monday #18 Adina Howard – Freak Like Me
- Sexy Saturday – Julian McMahon
- The Diva Guide : Selecting Your Wedding Venue
- Wordless Wednesday #17 The Eagle’s Flight
- Sexy Saturday – Michelle Rodriguez
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Our huskie would love to be fed icecream :P The caves sound very interesting. I love your outfit. A fantastic look for warm weather wear.
Everyone loves ice cream! And now I;m seriously craving it!
Happy WW!
Cheers :-)
- Rainforest Mommy
The doggy loves the ice cream too much to care he's almost about to fall into the water.
@ Sukhmandir .. welcome to my blog :) Where do you live ? Huskies are gorgeous !! My neighbour in Montreal used to have one :)
oh and that's not me - some random lady on the street with her dog :)
@ CPD aka Rainforest Mommy .. I had a bowl of ice cream with Hersheys chocolate syrup soon after I posted this pic ... there's a heat wave going on in Bombay ! I really liked the arresting views you put up :
Happy WW to you too !
@ AVCr8teur ... exactly !!! he was so cute just licking away at the ice cream that my friend & I got paranoid thinking he was about to fall in the water !
Orange & Mango Candy bars.. now thats an icecream to beat the heat with!! btw.. thats a kulfi she's feeding her dog, not an icecream ( incase you snobbish ex-NRI's didnt know!)
and yeah.. I LOVE your outfit too!! LMAO! ;)
teeehhee - its a malai kulfi to be specific. And I want this dress too, i want!..Now Ve are being bitches.
I love the doggy expression lol...kinda similar to when I spot some colored shots or new dress or chocolates
@purple.. shots eh? and how many does it take to get you..umm.. happy? ;)
and I object! Ve are not being bitches at all.. Ve are simply appreciating the finery of Daze's apparel!
@ Ve .. erm BITCH :P and I am aware that it is a kulfi (not all NRI's are snobby you know) I used the term ice cream so that everyone could understand it :P now stop nitpicking hahahahah
I'm all for the mango ice creams .. *drool* .. don't like orange though .. its to tangy for my taste for ice cream ... unless you count Baskins' Rainbow Sherbert :)
@ PurplePatch .. really you want it ? for you I will find it and send it to you :P hahah although had I really had to wear that during the May heatwave - I would be writing from my grave now !!
I'm with you on the expression ... show me some nice shots (have you ever had a BJ shot with cream btw?) or chocolates or sandals with deadly heels ... I'm an instant happy puppy hehehe
@ Ve .. admire my booty instead punk :P
@ Captain - I am happy as sooooon as I see them darn shots, flying by the 3rd and full entertainment thereafter :D
Beam me up, Scotty!
and ya lets appreciate the Boutique on display here - way 'cooler' than the dress (which I probably already maybe have somewhere in my junkyard eeesssh)
@ DD - BJ with cream - I like it already lol. Havent tried them - I need to parttayy with you gurrl
still in search for the perfect pair of sandals/shoes...so yaah i get that! I miss good shopping here :(
I love it how 3 of us can convert any innocent picture into everything amusing.
@daze..who you calling bitch, BITCH?? LOL While I like to think of myself as evolved enuff to look into a woman's eyes when talking to her, credit me with having my fair share of testosterone as well please!! If you remember, I brought up the 'Boutique' issue a good while ago, and was pleasantly surprised to know that you possess more than just a great mind! Im not here strictly in appreciation of your fine literary skills, you know... we boys need our visual stimuli too!! ;) Rest assured, despite my limited view of the complete package.. your bootyliciousness has not gone unnoticed!!:D
yeah I have to agree.. we all need to parttaay with daze! Honestly, I've never been as hooked on to a blog, as I am here... and I totally love the mindless chatter that we indulge in too!! :)
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