Thursday, June 30, 2011

Are You Sitting On A Pot of Gold ?

If you aren’t already sitting on a pot of gold – then I’d suggest you start considering to do that. 

I was having a chat with my Mom the other day (you know the usual – when are you planning on getting married conversation) and the topic of gold came about.  I teased her that she better start thinking of plating all her gold jewellery to white gold for me since I’m not a big fan of the bright gold colour.

She just looked at me like I was the most irresponsible person ever and asked me if I had checked the most recent stock market rates for a gold bullion (which of course I hadn’t and then immediately wished I had money to buy bullion in the first place)

For those of you wondering what a bullion is – "it refers to any precious metal in a form in which its primary value comes from the worth of the metal; and is most often traded in the form of coins minted by national governments” pot-of-gold-small

Side note : determining the price of gold isn’t as easy as it seems especially after the research I did to spot the gold price !

If you are thinking about ways to build a solid investment for your future, or diversifying your portfolio - buy gold bullion – without any doubt !  The easiest way being to start investing in gold jewellery.  I know I have to start purchasing gold jewellery even though I prefer platinum !

Damn, where’s a rainbow when you really need one ?

Further Reading :

  1. Spot The Gold Price
  2. Gold For Thought
  3. What Is A Bullion

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

WW #29 Peek-A-Boo


I’m a big fan of sun-sets … Took this photo from my grandparents terrace .. lucky for me I can find a haven in this bustling city ! So what if I can’t sit by the beaches of Mauritius – at least I have a lovely view.

Monday, June 27, 2011

MM #47 David Guetta - The World Is Mine

I absolutely LOVE this tune.  Every time I hear this tune, I’m elated. It is almost as if the beats become one with my heart beat, and the vocals are a part of the blood flow within me. The lyrics seem to just ease through my body, my veins as the lyrics go.

It is a MUST HAVE on any CD that I make for my listening pleasure – or a part of the playlists at any parties; and its a the best dance floor tune at any club night ! 

I can completely lose myself to the stirring rhythms … the track is mixed to build-up a delirious range of emotions … sensual, edgy, sharp and it totally hits a spot :)

I don't know about your musical preferences but this track is a natural high !! I can close my eyes and completely lose myself in the vocals ... do you ever feel like the world is really just all yours ?

That rush one gets driving down an empty stretch of road ... no one there except for you ... you control the road, the environment around you .. euphoric achievement perhaps ? There is no fear ... just the bare feeling of being at one with the world and that the world is really all mine :)

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice. PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

SMS For A Date ? Yay or Nay ?

There’s this guy from ASW (a social networking site) who has been texting & BB’ing me for a few weeks now.  His texts were always a ‘hey – hi’ sorta message which after a point – I just ignored.  In fact I told him that I am better at responding to people on the phone than I am via text / BB.

Especially when I don’t know the person,  I have no intention of ‘getting to know someone’ over a damned SMS / BB conversation.  Anything beyond 3-4 lines of communication warrants a phone call.  Once you are my BFF or near enough that sort of status – you can SMS / BB me.  Anyone who knows me – knows that it is my pet peeve !! (whole other blog post waiting to happen there !)

So anyway – this guy has called me twice / thrice and we have had good conversation.  He’s a surgeon – so the brain cells are definitely there.   However on 2 different occasions he has messaged me stating that he’d like to ask me out.iphone-texting

WTF ! Why would you ask out someone who you have never met over a BBM / SMS ?  Especially when the lines of phone communication have already been opened ? I never responded to those attempts – until last night.

The man sends me a message in the midst of a spa treatment (yes, metrosexual man) asking me out and my response was ‘seriously ? over a BBM message ? I don’t think so!’

Instant reaction – he picks up the phone and calls and goes on to explain to me  that the only reason he messages me is because I am the busy one ! Erm hellooooooo ! he’s the surgeon over here not me !! I throw parties for a living – everyone can call me ! But I’ll be damned if I pick up the phone and risk calling a cardiac surgeon in the middle of the day in case he’s got his hand stuck down someone’s heart !

Moving on, the guy gets a plus point for asking me out last night for next Saturday – a whole week ahead.  Minus points for suggesting going out to a very loud and crowded night club for a first meet-up !  Plus points gained however for telling me not to worry and that he would pick me up and drop me home too. 

Actually – I told  him straight out that I might have an event on Saturday night but as of last night it wasn’t confirmed.  Which is the truth.  And in the back of my mind – if that night club plan didn’t change to something more civilized like dinner & drinks – ‘my event would materialize’ !

I did hint that a night club might not be the most appropriate choice for the night but it could be played by ear.  After all – it’s just one date and he did actually pick up the phone and ask me out  … So lets see how that pans out; and I’ll keep you all posted on that.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sexy Saturday : Uma Thurman


This lady gets my Sexy Saturday vote !  Loved her in Kill Bill … who wouldn’t find a woman in a jumpsuit who can kick ass martial art style and use a sword !!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Mindless Bits of This & That ..

It’s been a crazy week for me.  There’s an event which I’ve been working on (minus NC since she’s on a vacation); wait make that a few events and I feel brain dead. 


I can’t function (although I think this has more to do with the fact that my cook is also on a short vacation and I am missing out on breakfast every morning).  And yes, I have a cook – well my parents do.  This is India – its pretty normal to have a cook at home.  And yes, I am aware that I can make a bowl of cereal or whip up some eggs but I don’t really want to do that because that would mean doing the dishes.  Did I ever mention I hate doing the dishes ?  I’d rather cook than do dishes !

Anyway there’s no real point to this post except that I don’t have the energy for anything but I feel that I’ve neglected my blog this week and since it’s my outlet for all things that go on in my mind – I might as well share whatever it is that is going on in my mind right now.

In terms of work – it’s been super hectic – which is great – except it’s not so much fun when one is totally overwhelmed.  In the last 2 days I have driven over 125 kms which is a bit excessive ! And I have a 400 km drive (back & forth) planned for the weekend !

I did manage to grab a fun dinner with my mates HRH, Dimps, and SG at a cute lil’ place in Bandra called ‘Chez Moi’ on Wed night.  Of course we created a riot out there and I reckon the owner got sweet on me (or so it was implied by his text message later that evening) .  Yes I gave him my business card.  Hell I was thinking about how to market his place – really good food !

Speaking of which – I have to put together a few funny ‘date escapades’ for this blog .. it’s long over due, but I need to get this done .. if only for your entertainment value !

Anyway – I’m to Pune this weekend so catch you all on Monday ! My brain refuses to form logical sentences anymore !

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

WW #28 Red Velvet Bug

I went camping two weekends ago, and came across this really funky looking red-velvet bug !

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I’m not sure if it was a giant fat spider or beetle type of bug, but it was quite cool and I’d never really anything like it before.

And it turns out that this lil’ fella curls up into a red fluff ball when you pick it up ! (No I didn’t even try to touch it !! one of the other campers picked it up)


Don’t forget to share your #WW link if you are participating !

Monday, June 13, 2011

MM #46 Edward Maya – This Is My Life

Totally feeling this track.  Love the beats and the variety of instruments used.  And it automatically transports me to the mountain and desert terrain of Jordan.  This was one of the tracks on the CD that we kept favouring !

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Another Drink

Another Drink is a poem that tries to encapsulate an alcoholic at their most irrational, angry state. The refusal for treatment or even acknowledging there is a problem and burying themselves deeper into the drink.


Another Drink

Angry; sick of this recovery theme
doggone didactic sobriety preaching's
can’t fathom the life of a vodkaholic
those who seek to change or transfer me
deny these cravings as unclean divine storage
who would want this gregarious lifestyle
winning nothing but more condemnation
and more anger now like liquid insanity
pale pasty orange hued face now flush
like bright red holly berry clusters
again proclaiming love for the drink
denying what little family is left
what would they know of this curse?
the ranting ramblings to oneself
screw them all; alone isn’t so bad
in fact; I will drink to that

-Poem by Justin Germino

This poem was inspired by the 15 random words (in bold) provided by 13 Twitter players and originally published on April 11th:


dragonblogger_thumb[1]Justin Germino is the author behind Dragon Blogger’ and 'Wanderer Thoughts’ amongst a few other blogs. He has created over 260+ ‘twitter poems’ via random submissions on twitter. He believes you only have one life and you have to live it. Follow him on Twitter @dragonblogger

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Let The Sluts Walk !

For those of you that might have been asleep or missed out on this widely talked about event … S.L.U.T.W.A.L.K has been a trending topic on social networks since April; when the first Slutwalk took place in Toronto; and now it has found its way to Delhi.

It began on 24 January this year, when policeman Michael Sanguinetti walked into the Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto, to tell women how to avoid sexual violence. "I've been told I'm not supposed to say this," Sanguinetti said. "However, women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised."

And this is why Slutwalk Delhi that is due to take place on 25th June is important !! Indian society tends to blame the woman for any assault or rape.  It’s always the woman who was ‘asking for it’ because she was out late, or she was alone, or she was dressed in a particular way.  Women are the one who are ostracized and out casted in society if they have been victims of sexual assault and rape.  WHY ??

Slut Does Not Mean Whore

First of all – what is a slut ?  We as a society have changed the meaning of the the word slut to suit ourselves.  A slut for some means women who get too much attention; one suggests that slut is a woman with the morals of a man; for others its a woman who sleeps around; but pray tell – why is the word being used just for women ??

In the olden days, it used to mean someone who was dirty, unkempt; and later the Oxford dictionary defined it as someone with more than one sexual partner.  So I suppose all of us – men & women – are sluts if we have had more than one sexual partner.  

Why is it okay for a man to sleep with multiple women and be called a stud; but if a woman decides to sleep with more than one man she’s a slut / whore / and considered ‘easy’ ??   It’s NOT okay and we need to just grow the hell up and accept that in today’s day and age, everyone has a past, everyone has multiple partners, and it’s not something you should judge a person by !

N0 = NO.  Any Time. Every Time.

Just because nowadays, we, particularly women,  are more in charge of our sexual lives does not mean that it’s a green light to sexual assault.  When a woman says NO – it means NO.  Doesn’t matter what your mind thinks – NO = NO ! realmentakeno

To put it bluntly – ANYONE can get rape or sexually abused and victimized.  Man, Woman, Boy, Girl, even babies !! Yes there are some sick people out there.  Yes there is ‘male rape’ too . Which child of 8 years or 10 years goes around ‘provoking’ someone to sexually abuse or assault them ? What defence does a 2 year old child have ? For that matter – what defence does a 80 year old grandma have ? There was a recent case in Delhi where a 70 year old woman was raped !! Was granny parading around in her skimpiest best ‘asking for it’ ?

When I first moved to India almost 4 years ago, I got warned by everyone I know that I should never go to Delhi alone; that it was the ‘rape capital’ of the country; that Delhi was considered to a dangerous city for women.  I never quite believed it – but the latest police figures indicate that a woman is raped every 18 hours in Delhi.  That’s insane !! No wonder my mother panics at the thought of me going off to spend a few days in Delhi.  She just doesn’t know ‘what could’ happen. 

Whilst I’m really excited that finally – the women of India – especially Delhi – will get a chance to stand up for their rights of being able to walk the streets without being victimized; it really irks me the way some people (including some women) – especially men – are reacting to it.

I wanted to take a club and smash a few heads on Twitter yesterday based on the tweets I was reading.  There were men who were just  trivializing the entire concept of Slutwalk; using it as a form of very bad puns and generally being quite disgusting about it.   Just the fact that men are making a joke about ‘how much would they have to pay for a slut’ makes me want to take a knife, slice their d*cks and chop their balls !! Yup I said that – and I’d do it too.

man slutGuys – don’t you have a mother, sister, wife or daughter ? How would you like it if another man tried to verbally or physically assault them ? Wouldn’t you want to tear that monster from limb to limb for touching your family ? Or would you blame your sister, wife, daughter for provoking a man into believing that they wanted to get harassed, leered and even raped ?

Instead of making lewd comments and jokes about such a strong subject, shouldn’t you be out there with your female friends, sisters, aunts, daughters and mothers supporting them ??  I’m proud of the fact that all my guy friends who were in Toronto and London were a part of SlutWalk.

Here’s A Thought For Men

How would you like to be violated and have an unwanted penis rip open your anus and treat you like a piece of meat ?  The thought makes you shudder doesn’t it ??  Now multiply that an infinite time and that’s what a woman goes through every time she is violated verbally or physically.  Sexual assault is NOT a joke .

Do you even realize what it feels like to be stared at like a piece of meat that could be pounced upon ? Do you ever walk out of the house thinking ‘oh shit, maybe I should have worn jeans instead of shorts’ ? Do you make sure to lock your car door the minute you get into it ? Do you check the back seat of your car before you lock yourself in the car ? Do you switch your car light on when passing a police check so that the male cops don’t stop you ? Do you grab your back pack and squeeze your body tight whilst you try to walk past the crowd hoping that no one tries to grab your ass or brush against your chest ?

NO – you probably don’t have to do that.  So WHY should a woman have to do that ? I’m a modern woman used to living across the globe and yet in what should be my ‘mother land’ – I walk around concerned about how people are leering at me; and how I have had to slap some guys for brushing up against me inappropriately on an empty road. 

Are You Walking With The Sluts ?

slutwalk_descriptionSlutWalk is a movement for freedom of expression; including freedom of sexual expression.  By using the word ‘slut’ – we are coming together to take back the social meaning that has been assigned to the word.  For all of those making lewd jokes about SlutWalk – the more you keep at it – the more people become aware about it.  It’s only been a few days – but women (and men) across India – especially in the metro cities – are waking up and expressing themselves. 

So what if the uncles, aunties, and the more prudish amongst society are trying to turn a blind eye to what is really going on – it’s up to US – Gen Y and Gen Z to make a difference.  It’s up to us to stand up for the right to be able to express ourselves.  It’s up to us to educate others around us that it’s NOT acceptable to play the blame game on assault victims. 

For all the women and men who will be participating in SlutWalk Delhi - ‘hats off to you all’ for being a part of this global movement.

Further Reading …

  1. Her Dress Is Not A Yes
  2. Of Sluts & Walks
  3. For The Love Of Sluts
  4. Slutwalk TO: It Rocked
  5. I Became A Slut At The Age of 10 
  6. Why Men Should Join SlutWalk


Monday, June 6, 2011

Crush 102 : Getting Crushed

I was going to title this post ‘Crushed By My Crush’ but that sounded so clichéd (and so apt all at the same time)

As some of you might know, a little while ago I confessed my crush to the Roadside Romeo who I met back in December.  Last week I was grinning from ear to ear about the fact that the crush was coming to Bombay after spending the last few months out of town.

He arrived today. And confessed that he had started semi-dating someone and he wanted me to know about it.  He’d love to meet but he didn’t think he could be ‘as much fun as he’d hoped’.

He let me down quite easy when I think about it.  He was honest, upfront and at least made me feel like he kinda felt bad all at the same time.  I’m a big girl – I can crushedlive with that. 

But, yeah – seriously – the Diva just got crushed by her crush.

The thing is – the girl he’s started dating – she’s very cool, lots of fun AND I know who she is.  It’s not like I ‘know’ her and she’s a my bum-chum; more like I know her through parties and we get along when we meet.  The logical side of me says that means there is no way I can even consider making a move on the crush.  ‘Cos that would just be wrong (right ?)

The hormonal side of me is screaming out to just do as I please with the crush !!! Would that be so wrong ? (and no need to answer that – I know it is wrong).  I promised my girl DA that I wouldn’t let my hormones get the better of me.  After all, it’s just a crush.

See I told ya that I was a big girl.

MM #45 Jennifer Paige – Crush

Such an apt song =) I haven’t heard this song in years !! And funnily I thought of it just as I realized that I got totally crushed by my crush !! Damn !

This track came out in 1998 and Jennifer Paige is considered one of the 90’s biggest one-hit wonders ! I don’t even think I ever heard any music from her again.

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice. PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Chocolate Flames

Chocolate Flames is a poem about passion and paints the scene of lovers taking to an evening of enjoyment. The last two words provided just set the whole theme of the poem for me, and the words just seemed to fall into place.

Chocolate Flames

Tonight’s performance needs no copyright
magical living inspired by our passion
puppy love meets raw venison desire
executrix of secretly wanted commands
compliance met with welcome punishment
this evening begins in chocolate flames

-Poem by Justin Germino

This poem included 11 random submissions (in bold) provided by the following Twitter players and originally published on 29th March ‘11.


dragonblogger_thumb[1]_thumb[3]Justin Germino is the author behindDragon Blogger’ and 'Wanderer Thoughts’ amongst a few other blogs. He has created over 260+ ‘twitter poems’ via random submissions on twitter. He believes you only have one life and you have to live it. Follow him on Twitter @dragonblogger

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Exclusive Or Not ?

This has been one of the topics coming up amongst my girlfriends and I; and when I read SingleCityGuy’s poll post ‘How Many Dates Does It Take To Become ‘Exclusive’ it got me thinking about how dating is different across each country .. seriously, Dating ? What’s That ?

Dubai, UAE

There was a time back in the day – whenever I was asked out by a guy – I always ‘knew’ it was an ‘exclusive’ relationship.  Why ? ‘Cos he probably asked me to be his girlfriend.  Straight away.  This was in Dubai.  A boyfriend-girlfriend relationship could be something that lasted one week, one month, six months or even a few years.  But it was a straight forward ‘will you be my girlfriend / boyfriend’ sorta question.

Montreal, Canada

Then I went to Montreal where I learned that you could ‘see someone’, ‘date someone’ or ‘be in a relationship’ with someone.  Yeah – I kinda got confused too. 

Seeing someone meant ‘casually’ going out with different men / women for simple things like coffee / a drink – there was no physical intimacy between the two people.  Sure they may have held hands, hugged, and flirted but kissing and beyond were off-limits.  This is the gettingrelationship queue acquainted stage and you could be getting acquainted with a few different people.

‘Dating someone’ meant going out with men / women on breakfasts, lunches, dinners, cocktail parties, gallery openings etc. and having some sort of physical intimacy.  So kissing, fondling, maybe even some groping could be there but no sex. 

Being in a relationship was more exclusive because you were only having sex with that one person.  Exclusively.  No more dates on the side unless they were ‘casual friendly dates’.

London, UK

Here it was simpler I suppose – very similar to Montreal but just two levels : Seeing someone or Dating.  At least all the men I met and dated – were in exclusive relationships with me and those ranged from about 3 months to 1.5 year. 

So you could be casually seeing people (who have not been introduced to your group of friends as yet) or you were dating someone who is now a part of your social group.  When most people referred to dating someone, it usually meant that it was an exclusive relationship. which involved monogamy.

Bombay, India

This city confuses the hell out of me.  It’s like the will-you-go-out-with-meguys & girls don’t know what’s going on – almost like dating in a foreign land !   I reckon most men think that if a woman wants to exclusively date them – it means that they want to get married (sooner than later).

The guys I have come across can make a simple thing as going out and getting to know one-another the most complicated chore ever !  It’s almost like playing a game. Dating is NOT  Easy especially in Bombay !  There’s this whole other level when it comes to breaking down the dating process and I’m still trying to grasp that concept.

After coming across the above differences in dating cultures across countries – I know where I stand on dating & when to get exclusive with someone but I’d hope that the person I’m with knows that too !

For me, personally, a label / tag to what I have with someone is not really important.  It is but it’s not gonna end my world if my partner doesn’t want to ‘label’ it.  I was in a relationship of 1.5 year (which I ran away from when it ended) but we never labelled it.  We knew we were together.  Some people are comforted and more secure in ‘knowing’ that they are dating someone or in a committed relationship.

So what are your thoughts on this ?  What is the difference between seeing someone, dating someone or being in a relationship ? And how do you determine when it’s okay to be exclusive or not ? Do you have ‘the chat’ or is it just ‘understood’ ?  Have you ever asked someone if they are exclusively in a relationship with you ?