Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Life … On Film

A couple of weeks ago, my mom’s best friend, SK, rang me up and asked me if I would be a part of a project of hers.

A bit of background on SK – she is a film maker … and has won awards at Cannes Film Festival … and she had just asked me to be a part of a documentary !

video reel Not just any documentary – but a ‘real’ life documentary that would follow me around and highlight the life of an NRI (non-resident Indian) who has recently come to India.

I won’t give away all the details but it’s been a really fun few days – not to mention absolutely exhausting !!!

Between having a camera crew turn up at my house and being ‘miked’ so that they can hear everything I say – I have also gone out for ‘dress fittings!’ ….

Yup you read that correctly … one of the perks is that I get to keep the outfits =) So last week Friday, I got to go over to a designers store and pick out 6 outfits ranging from evening formal wear, an afternoon sun dress as well as some formal Indian outfits.

If that’s not enough – I get to go shoe shopping this weekend along with a spa treatment !!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Teaser Magazine

A few weeks ago I came across a very trendy magazine aptly titled 


Before I start writing about the magazine … Take a look at this …

Isn’t that a fab ‘teaser’ trailer ? and that to for a magazine !

I managed to get talking to the Editor-in-Chief of the magazine, Thomas Meyer and got an inside scoop about the magazine

Teaser is an online German based publication which is free for readers to access.  The website is super funky – and I quite enjoyed the live motion of flipping pages whilst browsing the contents :)

Thomas Meyer started Teaser after working on editorials for various magazines.   The concept behind the magazine came about when Thomas, as a model felt that the business of modelling and fashion was not being correctly portrayed by the media.  The magazine focuses on contacting and getting the inside-scoop behind those that have first hand knowledge of the industry.

The current demographics include a 68% strong readership base from Germany and the remaining 32% varying across America to Brazil, Australia, India to New Zealand, France to Mexico, Hungary to Italy ! As you can see – it’s a world wide readership base.

The magazines had 2 issues published in 2008 – July and November and is scheduled to publish a total of 3 issues in 2009.  You can check out the previous issues by clicking on any of the images below.

Teaser 1  Teaser 2

Teaser 3 Teaser 4

The latest issue of Teaser has a fabulous article titled ‘Hurdle Race To Date .. If Addiction Takes Over’ through pages 154 – 169 … I found it to be a visually appealing and very aesthetically designed – a unique way of portraying the issues and effects of using alcohol and cigarettes.

The magazine is currently available in English and German; and targets an audience that is interested in fashion, creative and open minded. 

Teaser is currently running without budgets and with the help of passionate freelancers.  So if you have passion for fashion, and would like to contribute an article or two, please contact Teaser by Email.

You can also check out an interview with Thomas Meyer on My Fashion Frenzy

Friday, August 21, 2009

Technology Flu

I came across this title in a magazine called ‘Dignity’ whilst undergoing a funky electro-shock treatment at the physiotherapist this morning.  Don’t worry it’s not as painful as it sounds.

It got me thinking and I made a quick note on my phone on the main topics the article highlighted.

So what is Technology Flu ?  Basically, it can be described as ailments that can afflict mankind due to changing lifestyle, computerization, and hi-tech living.


Computer Syndrome

In today’s day and age, computers are almost indispensible in most office environments.  According to Wendy Strousse Watt (O.D), people who spend more than two hours on a computer each day will experience symptoms of CVS or Computer Vision Syndrome.

The most common symptoms include headaches, focusing difficulties, burning eyes, tired eyes, general eyestrain, aching eyes, dry eyes, double vision, blurred vision, light sensitivity, and neck and shoulder pain.

The best ways to avoid this is to remember the 3 R’s : Refocus; Readjust; and Remove !

Refocus - give your eyes a break from the computer screen whenever possible using the 20-20-20 rule, meaning that roughly every twenty minutes you should pick a point about twenty feet away and focus on it for twenty seconds.

Readjust your sitting position so as to avoid strain on the back, hip and hands.

Remove yourself from your desk every few hours – go for a walk; take a coffee break – go wash your face – but don’t sit in front of the screen for hours on end.

Use eye drops to reduce irritation and dry eyes.  If you wear glasses – there are special computer glasses that you can ask your optician about. 

work-stationCVS can affect people of all ages but it is of growing concern in children as their eyes are not developed as yet.  Ensure that children have good lighting where the computer is; the work station is properly arranged; the screen should be an arms’ length away or 30 inches away from your face and lower than eye level.

Music Blues

How many of you have an ipod or mp3 player ? Do you use headphones or headsets when using your mobile phone ?  Nowadays, even young kids are using headphones !

earphonesEarphones are generally placed directly outside of the ear canal however they are not capable of delivering the same dynamic range that a full-sized headphone can offer for a given level of volume.

The result of this, is that we often use headphones at higher volumes to drown out noise – which in turn increases the risk of hearing-loss.

To avoid such damage, it’s better to use the full size head sets and to keep the volume at a reduced level.  If you like listening to loud music, then you should invest in noise cancelling head phones.

Electro Pollution

I read this term for the first time today and it’s scary !

Do you listen to the radio, watch TV, use your mobile phone  or use a microwave oven? All these devices make use of electromagnetic waves and in turn give off electro pollution and electromagnetic radiation (EMR).cellphoneradiation

Radio waves, microwaves, visible light, and x rays are all examples of electromagnetic waves that differ from each other in wavelength. defines electro pollution as

“nonionizing electromagnetic radiation propagated through the atmosphere by broadcast towers, radar installations, and microwave appliances, and the magnetic fields surrounding electrical appliances and power lines, which is believed to have polluting effects on people and the environment; also called electromagnetic smog

So what can we do about it ?  Prudent Avoidance according to the Feng Shui Network.  In essence, wherever possible, we must try to reduce the use of electrical equipment; more-so in our bedrooms as our immune systems are more vulnerable whilst we sleep.

Gadget Disposal

With the advent of technology and society wanting to keep up-to-date with the latest gadgets, we are constantly 'disposing’ our old computers, mobile phones, TV sets, refrigerators etc.

ewaste2So where does this waste go ? It ends up creating mountains of electronic waste or e-waste which includes electronics which are destined for reuse, resale, salvage, recycling or  disposal.

According to Wikipedia, the processing of electronic waste in developing countries causes serious health and pollution problems.  E-waste contains both valuable materials (such as lead, copper & gold which is suitable for reclamation) as well as hazardous materials which require special handling and recycling methods. 

We can help reducing e-waste by donating our old gadgets & equipment directly to organizations in need; sending devices directly back to original manufacturers or dropping them to a convenient recycler.

Lifestyle Disorders

This basically boils down to the fact that due to the comforts that technology has brought to us – an increasing number of people from the current generation are no longer going out and enjoying the natural beauty around them.

As a society – we are happy being indoors in the comforts of air conditioning, satellite TV, the Internet, video games – that there doesn’t appear to be a need to go out anymore for the basics.

Almost everything is available via the Internet.  When I was living in London and Montreal – after checking out the grocery stores initially to see what I liked best, I did all my shopping online.

Now that I’m in India – I’ve noticed that I spend almost all of my free time ‘indoors’.  Bombay as a city doesn’t offer me perks such as parks or beaches (the public beaches here is NOT where you want to be – that’s what Goa is for) to go and hang out. 

When was the last time you went for a bike ride ? Or a walk in the park ? I know I haven’t in a while – but it boils down to the fact that I’m living in a city where parks close by 8 p.m and I don’t get home from work before that. 

Other lifestyle disorders include suffering from back pain and developing blood clots from sitting at a desk too long.  Obesity is a growing concern in some countries as people are no longer ‘active’.  One can also suffer from increased blood pressure and stress levels from being in an environment that is sending out EMR’s.

Conclusion : In our attempt to create a more convenient world, we are unwittingly paying the highest price – our health.  I have put down a few pointers on how to prevent these problems – however we must be ‘aware’ of the problems in the first place.  The old saying goes ‘prevention is better than cure’ – please spread the word !

I would love to know your thoughts on this subject as it really had an effect on me after reading the magazine article.  What do you think we can do to avoid the ‘technology flu’ ?  Are there any other symptoms we should look out for ?  What else is out there that can affect us ?

Additional & Reference Links

Monday, August 17, 2009

Chemistry : Mental or physical ?

I’m not talking about Chemistry in the science lab – but more along of the lines of the chemistry between two people.  I got thinking about this the other day after reading another fab post on Simone’s blog.


Over the years and depending on your dating history – you would have come to realise that there is something about a prospective partner that just ‘clicks’ for you.  I’ve already talked about the ‘type of person’ we tend to be attracted to – and moving further into the subject – once we’ve covered the initial attraction stage  - we head over to stage 2 : is there any chemistry between the two individuals ?

For me, over the years – most of my relationships have been based on an initial combination of physical and mental chemistry.  Once I realise I am attracted to somebody – purely on a physical attributes, I have to figure out whether I ‘click’ with this person on a mental level as well.

I have gone into relationships where initially both parties felt the immediate physical chemistry – it was that rush of being with the ‘best looking’ guy.  Some of those relationships obviously didn’t pan out because the mental chemistry wasn’t there.  Then there were relationships where both physical and mental chemistry stood strong but circumstances resulted in an end to the relationship.

In my late teen years and at university – it was important for me to be physically attracted to somebody to  start dating them – I would let the mental chemistry develop.  These relationships would tend to last only a few months.  It also so happened that as people – the guy and myself – barely knew each other.  The physical attraction had to be there in the first 2-3 interactions – otherwise it wasn’t going to work out.

From about 6 years ago – my perspective on dating changed – I realised that I wanted more out of a relationship.  So, even though the initial attraction factor was the physical attribute and physical chemistry – if I didn’t find that in the first few meetings that there was ALSO a mental connection – I didn’t pursue the matter further.

Around 4 years ago – I met a man online through a social networking medium.  We were both attracted to each other’s photographs – and we got in touch via email.  This communication went on for about a month.  The mental connection was there and the fact that we both appealed to each other physically (from a photographic perspective) was also good.  From emails, we moved on to SMS and phone calls – and decided to meet up about 2 months later.  We ended up dating for 1.5 year.  Unfortunately things didn’t work out.  Not because we weren’t physically and mentally compatible but due to family interference.  That really sucked.

So now, I’m trying to figure out what combination or percentage of physical and mental compatibility and chemistry I need with a partner for it to actually ‘work out’.  Instead of just looking at a guy from a the initial physical attraction; I’ll be taking the mental chemistry cartoonconnection first and then looking at the physical attraction. 

That doesn’t mean I would want to just settle with someone who I am mentally connected with and have no physical chemistry ….  However there will be a time frame – or a window period if you want to call it – that it should develop in (at least I’m being fair right)… If it doesn’t come about in a few weeks – then I wouldn’t be able to pursue the  relationship.

Damn it … can’t I have it all ??

What’s your take on chemistry between two people ? Is it important ? Does chemistry develop along the way ? Is it better to be compatible or to have chemistry ?

Here are some interesting articles to check out:

  1. The Chemistry of Love

Friday, August 14, 2009

Fastest way to ‘drop’ Entrecards

Most of you already know about EntreCard and if you don’t – it’s basically being termed these days as ‘blogging currency’ and being seen on very popular blog sites.

Entrecard provides a unique way for you to market your blog.  It's purpose is to bring bloggers (and website owners) together through advertising widgets

It took me a while to understand the scenario but it seems to be a good way to advertise on other blogs too.  The sign up process is free and you must create your own Entrecard – which is like your Blog Business Card.  sporadic reflections copy

The card must be 125 x 125 and visually appealing (but have you noticed that not everyone has the same idea about appealing hehe).  Mine looks like this right here … what do you think ?

Once you do this, you can go and check out other blogs via the EC site itself and ‘drop’ your card on other bloggers.  You can also, purchase adverts using the credits you have gained by ‘dropping’ on other blogs.

I’ve only been on EC for a few months and perhaps in the first 2-3 weeks – was a happy dropper but as my work schedule got busier and I got more into blogging, I found that I didn’t always have the time to drop on other EC bloggers.  Of course I kept going over to the blogs I enjoyed but didn’t go out of my way to find new blogs to drop on.

Then again, the purpose of me using EC is not to monetize my blog nor some desire to be the best known blog etc – it was purely (a) an initial testing zone to see if my blog could be popular (we all have egos here !); and (b) another way of finding blogs  that I might like.

Coming back to the topic,  Fastest Way To Drop Entrecards … this is not easy if you are using the Entrecard site.  Sometimes it takes two clicks on an EC widget on blogs before it accepts your drop.

I happened to come across two websites that stated they could help you drop 300 Cards in about 15 minutes ! I thought it was a bit crazy at first, but then decided to check it out last week whilst I was still at home.

ecsmall The first one I found was over at IAmBuraot and it was pretty cool to be able to visit multiple blogs that I could read and do my EC drops on as well.  I found that the pages opened in multiples of 10 – which did make browsing a bit slow – but I got a chance to check out each blog; and if a blog link wasn’t working – it stated so.

The second one I came across -  just this morning in fact as  I was writing this post – is by VoiceofBraggI’m stilecdropclubl testing this one out – and it does work.  Although I did notice was that via this widget – the blog pages don’t show up i.e. I can’t read the blogs, nor do I know what type of blogs I am dropping on.  However it is a quick way of dropping cards. 

My Conclusion :

I do enjoy visiting new blogs; and what better way to find new blogs AND have my dose of dropping cards.  I suppose some people are only using these for ‘drops’ and don’t really ‘read’ the blogs … but hey, every newbie wants to figure out how to increase traffic to their blogs right ? In the process if they find a bandwagon of fellow bloggers who actually also enjoy their blogs and reciprocate drops – that’s never a bad thing. 

Check both the sites out and let me hear your feedback on it if you are an EC user.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Schiller feat colbie Caillat - YOU

My friend AM posted this link on FB today and I have heard the track at least 5 times already.

‘You’ is the latest single released by Schiller - the main project of Christopher von Deylen. I’ve already written about another track in which Schiller was a part of – Dream Of You – another MUST HEAR track :)

schiller feat colbie I don’t know the artist Colbie, but her voice is quite mesmerizing.  After a little bit of Googling, I found out that she is basically an American pop singer-songwriter and guitarist from Malibu, Calfornia. 

I heard the song and had instant chills with goose bumps all over ! The vocals just flow over you … completely taking over your senses.  The background sounds play upon your emotions.  The echoes are hauntingly beautiful throughout the track.  You can hear the layers of trance with vocal poetry which makes it atmospheric – creating an almost enigmatic feel and draws you in immediately.

The lyrics are deep and meaningful … I know I can relate to it at some level – more than I care to admit … The words caused a flashback of memories that came flooding over me ! I didn’t need them but for a song to evoke such emotions .. that’s some pretty good stuff out there !

In essence this is a love song but not in its most traditional sense.  I get the happy – uplifting sort of feel when I hear this tune, and as much as it takes me to another place – to another lifetime almost – it keeps me rooted where I am. Does that even make sense to you ??

The video clip for ‘You’ was released in Germany on October 31st 2008.  I found the original video on You Tube but couldn’t post it on here as the embedding format was disabled – so do check it out.  I really like how the video starts with the crashing of waves under the pier.

Turn down the silence
Inside my head
Bring back the colours
Of you instead
Further from where I started
Further to go
Keeping my heart under control

Why do I still feel you ? feel you
And all you've got is to feel you, feel you
All I need is you
All I need is to feel you

Why did you change your mind and run away?
Thoughts of you by my side
Starting to fade
I know that you should be by
So I won't let go
Everyday I’m trying to get close

Why do I still feel you feel you
And all you've got is to feel you, feel you
All I need is you
All I need is to feel you

Stop running all the time
Don’t fight the feeling inside
Cause when you try it hard
Don’t matter where you go it’s deep in your soul (x3)

All i need is to feel you , feel you...

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Type of Person You Are Attracted To …

NOTE : This is a bit of a personal post so consider yourself warned !

I came across this fabulous post ‘Do You Have a Type ?’ on Simone’s Blog – if you haven’t already paid her a visit – then I strongly recommend it !

It’s topic I have been thinking about for a little while now as I have been self-assessing my own interest in men; the type of men that I have gone for in the past and the type of man I would want to be with for my future. (In fact I have already drafted posts prior to this on the Men in My LIfe !)

You see, I’m at a point where I am ready to settle down and am actually doing a few things I didn’t think I would be doing (such as being on an online matrimonial site AND having the family priest try to set me up!).  If you are Indian then you probably get where I am coming from – if you aren’t – don’t feel bad for me – I have willingly let myself be a guinea pig for this. 

I’m 27 years old and I’ve been dating for a while now.  I’ve had a few serious relationships and the odd few high school / university relationships which barely lasted a few months. 

When someone asks me what ‘type of guy’ I am looking for – I really don’t have an answer as such.  The words that come out of my mouth are quite generic – traits that everyone would want in a future partner.

When I look back on the guys I have dated – somewhere – there is a commonality amongst them – and yet there is something unique about each one.  I’ve been attracted to the bad boys; the hunks; the jock; the nice guys; and the players too !

I have noticed similarities in quite a few of the guys I have dated (seriously or casually).  From all the guys – physically – about 80% have been quite alike in terms of body type (I like a broad shouldered man); height (6 ft at least please); generally conventionally good looking – however they have all differed in their personality types.  Then there is the 20% of guys that I dated who are so UNLIKE my primary type – that it got my close friends confused about my preferences !

So I suppose I do have a type - but not a particular trait that I can pin point (other than the fact I like tall guys) but there are other traits which I wonder if you have fallen for initially ....

I go out a lot and so do my friends – most of my relationships have developed out of knowing the guy through a friend (but who is not a part of MY social circle).

My eyes tend to drift towards the guys who are 6ft tall or the best dancer on the floor; then I look at how they are dressed (now I like guys in formal wear as well as scruffy funky wear) so their clothes have to catch my eye; then I look at the face (it has to have something that stands out : could be the way they wear a goatee or stubble; or spiky hair; or a fab smile;) and if the guy catches my eye - I actually see how long he can look at me.

I know I like tall guys (I’ve said that a few times now haha but I’m 5’7 and wear 3 inch heels when I go out !); a strong jaw line; a stubble on a man is so sexy – gives that rough, rugged and carefree look; a semi-bad boy attitude also works for me because it’s a challenge especially if he isn’t verbally challenged – makes it all the more interesting !  A little bit of arrogance is always a good thing – and he ought to know how and when to use it. 

I cannot stand jealousy and insecurity in a person.  My job and lifestyle means that I tend to be out a lot and always socializing.  I know a lot of people and have a lot of guy friends.  My best friends’ are guys.  I also lose interest in people who throw out the bait but don’t know how to reel it in ! (men & women included)

In the last 2 years that I have been in Bombay – I have genuinely not dated a single person ! I have had guys who are attracted to me and vice versa but somehow nothing has materialised.  This comment is a bit Bombay-specific but really the guys here giving dating a bad name ! They just don’t know how to go about it !

It’s been my personal choice not to get involved with anyone.  There have been guys who meet all the above criteria but as soon as they have opened their mouth – I want to do a runner ! So the next thing I suppose I look out for is how well the man in question can hold a conversation.  If he’s got my attention – well & good – and if I’m already distracted then there’s no chance of anything taking place there.

What about you ? Do you tend to date the same person over and over again ?

Are you attracted to a certain type of man or woman ? What do you notice first in the opposite sex ?

I would love to know your thoughts about this topic; and I have found a way to put a poll onto my blog too :) so don’t forget to vote (pretty please!!)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Weirdest Animals On The Planet !

As you might have gathered that I quite enjoy watching the Animal Planet and National Geographic – and hence have decided to put up this post.

A few days ago whilst checking out the MSN news online – I came across and article titled ‘The Weirdest Animals’ or something similar.  Silly me was in a rush to go to the doctor and I forgot to bookmark it.

Whilst browsing online today, I came across the ‘The Weirdest Animals on the Planet’ on The Telegraph website and just had to pick a few that I personally found quite weird so that I could share it with you guys !

I’m going to give you my Top 5 …. here goes … (where the majority happen to be sea creatures)


sea pig

 Sea Pig -  they live on, or just underneath, the bottom of the ocean and feed on the mud of the seafloor.  They are like ‘sea cucumbers’ (I might have to rethink eating cucumbers !) and act like slugs do on land.

I had never heard of this puffy fellow before today



hairy frog fish

Hairy Frog Fish walk along the seabed hunting for food. This rare creature can be found in Indonesia




Dumbo Octopus Dumbo Octopus is apparently among the rarest of Octupuses and get’s its name from … yup – it’s ears ! which if you look closely, loosely resemble the Disney character Dumbo the elephant.  Although I think this guy is more cute than weird looking .. and any one of those tentacles could be his trunk.


star nose moleThe star-nosed mole is the kind of animal that only it’s mother  could love !  This bad boy has a snout with 22 fleshy tentacles that are used to identify food by touch.


And last but not the least of the weird animal family …. I give you the VIPER FISH !


This is a deep water fish with long, needle-like teeth and  hinged lower jaws. By far it is the weirdest sea creature that I have seen (not that I have seen many) but OMG this guy gives me the creeps ! It’s because of fish like him that I am petrified of fish swimming up to me !

It is one of the fiercest predators in the very deep part of the sea and is believed to attack its prey by luring its victim with a light producing organ. 

That’s all from me folks – if you want to check out the other 24 animals – do drop by The Telegraph’s website

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Friendship Day

As I was browsing around for post ideas two nights ago, I read somewhere that Friendship Day was coming up. 

The thing with these ‘special days’ is that most countries celebrate the same day at different times – and some are commonly celebrated – hence didn’t pay much attention to ‘when’ it was coming up.

So how did Friendship Day come about ?  There isn’t much history about it on record but I did come up with a few facts.

friendship_day_graphics_01In 1935, the United States Congress proclaimed the first Sunday of August as the National Friendship Day to honour this companionship that we all take for granted. 

Following the popularity and success of Friendship Day in US, several other countries adopted the tradition of dedicating a day to friends.

Further more, in 1997, the United Nations named Winnie - the Pooh as the World's Ambassador of Friendship.

I didn’t really give this day too much thought until I was woken up at around 7:30 a.m this morning with two acquaintances – not even friends of mine – who wanted to wish me a Happy Friendship Day.  Sweet right ?  But not so sweet considering it’s a SUNDAY !!! Why is it that my Sunday’s keep getting sleep deprived ??

Anyway the point of this post is not to crib but to share with you a few of the sweet messages that I received on my mobile and if you haven’t spread the friendship love to your friends today – then you could always use them :)

“Friendship is like standing on wet cement – the longer you stay, the harder it is to leave.  And if you try to go, you can’t go without leaving your footprints”

“A friend is one who tolerates your worst mood; manages to smile at your stupid jokes; tries to understand your craziest dreams and knows the reason behind your smallest fear.”

“At times when life has me down and out, the hardest thing to do is smile.  But you constantly give me that reason to go on and mostly to smile.

And I’m saving the best for last … I’d like to thank all of my neighbours in Bloggerville for showing me the support in the form of your comments; words of wisdom and genuine interest in what I have to say – more so for just being there for me whilst I explore the world of blogging.

Happy Friendship Day To You All


We’ve all probably had a moment when we’ve thought OMG – WTF !

Well someone  has finally gone ahead and made an illustration out of it and I have come across it :)  I found this over at The Next Web and at Chris Moody’s sites who got it from David Armano – do drop by and check them out for some great content.

So here it is .. the elusive OMG-WTF Spectrum simply illustrated =)


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Simplify your life week …

Did you know that today is the start of Simplify Your Life Week?  In the first seven days of August, do something to make your life simpler, more organized, less complicated, less cluttered.

I received this in an email today and really liked what I read and decided to randomly check with the Gods of Google to see what I could come up on this.

Guess what – it’s actually true !  The 1st – 7th of August is  actually a National Simplify Your Life Week !!!  It’s an official, yet little known observance that encourages you to organize and de-clutter your life.

Considering I just found out about this – do any of you know about this Simplify Your Life Week ? Have you maybe heard it in passing but not really focused on it ?

I don’t know about you, but I definitely need more than one week during the year to reduce the stress brought on by work, family, and general things taking place in my life.  I’ve been trying to take a vacation all year around and I’ve realised that I have to make a choice : go on vacation and splash out my savings OR forgo the vacation (including a friends’ wedding) and just let the next few months pass and think about it for another time.

We constantly over-work ourselves and then try to compensate by taking a long weekend or a week of vacation.  As dreamy and relaxing that a vacation may be – once we’re back (to reality) the same worries, commitments, tasks, and responsibilities are still there – they only went away temporarily and were just waiting patiently for our return !  The stress doesn’t just go away !


So what does it really mean to SIMPLIFY our life ?  After reading around a little bit, I came across this quote …

The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.
-Hans Hofmann


So by way of the above quote, simplifying is all about having enough without having too much.  I suppose this would include cutting back on unnecessary spending, taking time to slow down and focusing on ones true priorities.  Obviously no two people have the same priorities.

Ohio State University Extension suggests that you do something each day of that week to reduce the stress in your life and start enjoying life more.

Here are a few things one could indulge in to start reducing stress :

  • Take a bubble bath.  When was the last time you had one ? The last time I soaked in a tub was in April ! and before that it was in September ‘08 !! talk about really waiting to kill the stress !!!
  • Make a List.  Sounds simple right ? But do you make the list ?? Start small i.e. clear out clothes that don’t fit me and move on to more pressing matters
  • Go For a Picnic.  When was the last time you did that ?
  • Ask For Help.  Yeah you read that correctly.  There’s nothing wrong in asking someone else for help.  No one is perfect – and even the most perfect person gets stumped every now and then !

I genuinely can’t think of anything else right now – however here are some links that give more detail about the week and what you can do to simplify your life – and it all depends on your perspective

So what will you do to simplify your life this month ? Do share your suggestions in the comments :)