Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Video Blogs or Vlogs Anyone ?

It seems all I have been hearing about lately has been video blogs … the first time was a few months ago and I was quite curious about it as well.  I never actually got around to setting myself up with a Vlog .. which I perhaps should … I do have some really funny videos captured over the years. 

Some of my friends have used Vimeo – which is a fantastic platform for anyone wanting to share their creativity and more personal videos (family, friends, fun moments etc) to a larger audience.  I checked out Vimeo and turns out that a free account allows for 500 MB of storage every week ! That’s a great start for any new business looking at testing the cyber waves of video blogging especially since you can share and even post videos on other sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Flickr, or Digg !

The last couple of weeks I have been meeting with some of my clients and looking at creating long term marketing and branding strategies for them and I had suggested that they ought to look at online video for business or video hosting services to really create an impact with their brand.

Just like Vimeo – another service I came across was Viddler which offers more features for direct B2B services.  It’s hard for me to explain exactly what the features are as I’m not the most technical person – however this screenshot should make things more clearer.  


I really like the custom logo & permalink feature as it’s essential when creating brand value and increasing brand awareness.  It’s also important for a business to be able to track their user and view statistics – and here’s where the Viddler Analytics come in very handy providing in depth statistics on bandwidth, views, embeds, map views of users as well as something called ‘attention span’ which tracks the engagement of viewers.

Video Hosting is all about adding a personal touch to your blog and also serve as a better visual representation of what the brand or business (and the personal blogger of course) is trying to portray.  Written content is always great, but a nice video twist to your business site will surely give your readers reason to stick around a little longer.

Personally, I have always enjoyed just sitting back and watching a good video post on a topic I’m interested in.  I try to incorporate videos into my blogs – but they are related to a specific post and are more music / advertorial based. 

What about you – what are you thoughts on Video Blogs – especially for business related blogs ? Have you come across any really good online videos for business that you care to share ?


  1. yeah video blogs are pretty cool. I used to love the clarity of vimeo, and how it was hd, but recently youtube has caught up with that. depending on the video you post, I see youtube to get a lot of popularity, but vimeo for real work, where u dont care about how many people view your videos.

    have u checked out live videos, like kyte and someother one also popular by twitter users/

  2. @Bombchell .. I'm yet to experiment with my own youtube video posts; so will definitely check it out. Totally agree that a site like Vimeo or Viddler to be used for more business / work related posts.

    I'll check out Kyte - and if you can pass on some other links would appreciate it

  3. I am not into the video thing,.. I rarely, almost never, watch videos posted on blogs. I like reading, discovering the awesome writing talents of some bloggers. I don't even go to youtube..

  4. @WSG .. I prefer reading as well; however every now and then a great video might come about and I'd have to watch that .. Currently on my blog the only videos are some music videos (that too more for the music than the actual video) and one advert that made an impression on me ... On a business side though, I can see how sometimes it can be a useful way of creating a brand presence

  5. I use an occasional video on my blog. Recently, I experimented with creating my own screenshot video that was part of a budgeting software review I did. In some instances, video is a lot more powerful than just written words at informing readers. It just has to be used wisely.

  6. I see youtube to get a lot of popularity, but vimeo for real work, where u dont care about how many people view your videos.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I experimented with creating my own screenshot video that was part of a budgeting software review I did. In some instances, video is a lot more powerful than just written words at informing readers. It just has to be used wisely.

  9. I did. In some instances, video is a lot more powerful than just written words at informing readers. It just has to be used wisely.

  10. Have u checked out live videos, like kyte and someother one also popular by twitter users/

  11. I love watching her video blogs, I know she edits and makes them on her macbook computer, but im wondering what kind of camera she uses to film them..does anyone know?

  12. @Jeff .. Completely agree with you especially when using it in an informative way.

    @ Coffee Supplies .. it might be better for you to leave your own comments than just copying the comments written before you.

    @ Cosmetic Dentists Sydney .. I actually have never seen videos from Kyte and am trying to find one to check out .. if I find out about the camera - will let you know

  13. I didn't store the video podcast on my site, I just put a hyperlink from it to my 'page' on poderator.com but if I did this regularly then I would consider storing them on my site. If you create your videos as MP4 or AVI files, they shouldn't take up too much space.

  14. I love watching her video blogs, I know she edits and makes them on her macbook computer, but im wondering what kind of camera she uses to film them..does anyone know?

  15. I want to start making video blogs on You Tube, I was wondering what would be a good plug in and go camera?


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