Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How About The Food Pill ?

I came across the below blogging prompt from The Daily Post free E-Book : 365 Writing Prompts last week.   

If you could get all the nutrition you needed in a day with a pill - no worrying about what to eat, no food preparation - would you do it ? 

Damn right I would !! I'm well aware that a 'nutrition pill' or a 'food pill' can't ever really substitute real food - however, given the fact that I'm not really a foodie - such a pill would make my life easier ! 

I love desserts ! I have a baaaaaad sweet tooth.  I'm one of those people who would happily skip all meals and replace them with something sweet.  Therefore an all-in-one nutrition pill would be quite ideal for me to ensure that I get my 5-a-day.  Mind you, I'm quite sure that I would still eat things such as fruits, cereal / muesli, smoothies, other liquids (coconut water, lemonade, a yogurt based drink known as 'lassi') and of course actual chocolates / desserts. 

There is no substitute for dessert in my eyes.  I'm suddenly craving a small bowl of nutella and crunchy peanut butter along with an apple ! [I'm making it a healthy-ish dessert] 

At the end of the day, I'm the kind of person who enjoys going out to eat (hint - I don't have to cook) and at the same time I enjoy cooking for a group of friends for a brunch / dinner party.  I never really make an effort when it comes to 'food' when I'm looking to grab a bite on my own.  Give me fruit yogurts and I could eat them all through the day. 

What about you ? Would you take the pill substitute and forsake the prep time required in making a full meal ? Think of all the time that could be saved that is spent cooking (yes, I know I'm making it sound like a task).  I know it doesn't take long to actually cook if you plan your meals out or have a stocked fridge (neither of which is applicable to me haha).  

Pop on over to The Daily Post to read more about what other bloggers have to say about the Red Pill, Blue Pill 

Red Pill, Blue Pill

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