Monday, February 13, 2012

Who Wants Some Popcorn ?

popcornLast night, my girlf AM and I went to the cinema to catch a flick and ended up watching the late show of Warhorse.  This was a fab movie and it would have been better if I could have enjoyed a hot bucket of buttered popcorn or even a spicy jalepeno with cheddar popcorn (which clearly the cinema didn’t have)

I got home still feeling like I was craving something and it struck me that it had to be the popcorn.  Like any regular person, I enjoy my share of popcorn .. so much so that I always have a few packets of the instant microwave popcorn at home … and last night we started talking about how cool it would be if we had our very own popcorn machine !

One of my mates in London has a mini-theatre room in their house, fully kitted out with cinema style recliner seats, a 10 x 15 ft screen, mini-fridge and a popcorn machine !!  The machine that he had was a 4 oz. one – considered ideal for use in homes, home theatres', and game rooms.  I wouldn’t know how many times I’d ever really use it – but having your very own fresh popcorn maker at home .. now that would be pretty sweeeeeeeeet !! home cinema

Last year in June – a bunch of us went to my mate AM’s place for his b’day and the building complex has a mini-cinema room for the residents to watch DVDs etc. complete with cinema style seats.  We were all so glad that we carried instant popcorn packs with us because the experience just wouldn’t have been complete without it.  Now had that mini theatre had a popcorn machine – we would have been totally set ! (and it would have saved us having to keep going up to his flat to make fresh popcorn !)

All this damn popcorn talk has got me craving hot buttery popcorn that make you wanna lick your fingers after you’re done !!  I better go check if I have any left at home.  What about you – are you a fan of popcorn ?  Have you ever thought about getting your own popcorn maker at home ? Would you ever consider getting one ? 

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