Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Are You Casting For An Audition ?

Over the weekend I was talking to my mate SG who is an actor & model and he was telling me about how it can be quite difficult and tedious to find out any brands that were casting for commercials.casting call

We discussed various platforms available where one could perhaps find out about casting calls without having to go through an agent (which is quite popular overseas) and in India that's a little bit difficult. Whilst the industry is organized - it's not exactly systematic and its more about 'who knows who' rather than actually picking talent that's right for the job (that's my personal opinion).

One of my mates recommends that features opportunities by third parties such as directors and talent agencies. At least it caters to an international market and I even found 3 agents from India with their casting on the site.

What I quite liked about the site is that both actors/entertainment professionals and industry pros' are able to sign up for an account. A personal account allows one to upload up to 50 images; audio & YouTube content; and a personal URL which is great value for money considering that the flat fee per month to access all of the websites features is only $5 a month !

It actually surprises me that such a facility is not available out here in India considering the size of the Bollywood fraternity and the fact that every other person wants to be an actor / model. There should be a one-stop shop for all those wanting to audition and be made aware of new roles / assignments available; as well as a location for agencies to just put forth their assignments.

Considering we're working in such a digital environment; I'm sure by utilizing existing platforms agencies and the local talent will save tons of time and money; models & actors will have access to casting opportunities in one space

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