Sunday, March 13, 2011

Oops I Just Lost My Guest Post Cherry !

Guest-Post-4-500x256That’s right folks –little ol’ me got approached about 2.5 weeks ago by a fab blogger called Skye (one of the 3 awesome writers that created ‘’) who asked if I would like to write a Guest Post for their blog (all this via Twitter)

I was jumping with joy and said yes immediately !!! We exchanged an email and was given the topic selected for the month of March.  That’s when my nerves kicked in. 

The topic was a bit risqué and had to be based on a personal story –about ‘First Times / First Experiences’ particularly pertaining to dates or the boudoir ! 

Did I jump at this great opportunity too soon ?  Could I really write what they wanted me to write and not come off looking like an idiot ?Then the logical side of me calmed me down with the thought ‘erm why would Skye ask you to write a guest post if she didn’t think your writing was good ?’ … So I got set to draft up my very 1st guest post for a very well known blog !! 

Sure I was nervous – who wouldn’t be during their very first time !! But with the support of my Twitter friends – I managed to hit ‘send’ and waited for Skye to give me her feedback on my post. 

What I didn’t expect was for her to tell me that “Oh my, the Diva has out done herself. I so love it!!!!” I was practically squealing with delight and couldn’t help but call a friend or two just so that I could say ‘OMG I’m being published on another blog!!’

It’s published now and titled ‘Putting My First Time Into Perspective, so if you have a few minutes – do hop over to and check it out and share your thoughts on the MAF blog.

Hope you enjoy it !!

1 comment:

  1. Lovvee the header for this blog topic!!!haha...ummm a lil too apt??

    p.s: my word verficatOR is askin me to type the characters i see in the picture : it reads "ressh" i read "russh" ...did your blog just have that effect on me and MAKE ME read RUSSH instead of ressh!haha...get my drift???...dirty diva!


You've gotten as far as here, so please do leave me a comment. That means you would have de-lurked on my blog =) Yaaaaaaaaaay !!! Let me know your thoughts and views about what I had to say - it means a lot to me