Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Happiness Is ... Choosing Your Own Path

I realise that this might be a tad deep when you sit back and think about it - but really makes sense.  

A large majority of people fall into a herd mentality and end up doing what everyone around them is doing.  This is probably because our entire lives have been laid out for us : attend school, go to university, get a degree in order to get a good job so as to support yourself.  If that's not enough - find a partner, have a family, support the family by continuing to work hard until retirement when you can finally enjoy your life.  Heard this before right ? 

There's nothing wrong with structure but have you taken a minute to think about whether that preset path is the path for you ?  Did you give up on an entrepreneurial move or a risky career change due to fear of the unknown / uncertainty of it all ? Is there something you feel you could have done different when you look back at the past few years ?  Are you doing what you love ? 

Ever since a young age - I realized that I'm ready to go down the road less travelled.  At 9 or 10 years old I told my parents I wanted to own a night club.  Imagine that !! When it was time for me to go to university - I ended up moving halfway across the world from Dubai to Montreal.  That's a flight time of about 18 hours including layover.  My Dad wanted me to be a banker - a good stable career.  I pursued it for all of 9 months after graduation and  left to set-up my own company managing & marketing night clubs in London.  My entire family including extended members flipped out and told me how irrational I was behaving; that I shouldn't leave a good career which growth opportunities for something that wasn't stable.  I moved out of the family house, got my own apartment and followed my passion - the world of events & nightlife.  Then about 6 years later my clients were asking me to plan private events for them and within a year of that I moved across oceans (again) to Bombay to set up my next venture in Events & Wedding Planning. 

I currently run a boutique company called A Klass Apart which focuses on events & wedding planning.  I get to work with clients and event spaces around the world.  I now take 'summer holidays' (like we did back in school) for 3-4 months a year for the last few years.  I work with select clients (mainly on a word of mouth basis) - if we 'click' we work together; if not - I rather not take the stress.   I have a portable office (my trusted laptop & hard drive) which means I can work from anywhere in the world as opposed to being in one place all the time. 

Of course it's not all a bed of roses.  I've had financial ups & downs.  I've learned a few things the hard way.  My friends are never free when I am (i.e. during the day).  The industry I'm in means that public holidays, festive seasons and weekends are generally when I am the busiest so can't really enjoy this with friends / family.  But I knew all of this when I chose to take this path and the things I didn't know I got to know over the years.  

I may not own a nightclub as yet but I know eventually I'll get there.  It's still on my mind.  Maybe if I was a stockbroker like some of my cousins - I would already have it but I doubt the journey would be as much fun as what I'm currently experiencing. 

I came across a great article 'Creating Your Own Life Path' which I resonated with and think you will enjoy as well.  

What path did you choose - the road well travelled or the road less travelled ? Are you happy with your choice ? Is there a path that you wish you had taken or think you could still take (even if it for a short walk) ?     

Monday, October 5, 2015

Happiness Is .. Cash In Your Savings Account

Come on !! Who doesn't get a happy feeling knowing that there's some extra cash sitting in the bank account ?  Instead of spending that rolled up tenner that you found in your jeans pocket - just put it away.  

At the start of the year I randomly decided to just collecting all the coins / spare change that I would find around my room, in my various hand bags or even in my car ... at the end of the month there was the equivalent of £20 that I had lying around ... think about it £20 x 12 months = £240 that's enough for a big night out or a weekend away. 

I started saving properly when I hit 30.  I should have done it earlier but I was busy enjoying life and the financial independence that I had spent my entire 20's working for.   I'm 33 and have a good chunk sitting in the bank.  I may not be able to buy a house yet but I've got my down payment ready ! 

When did you start saving ? Are you regular saver ? Do you have any saving tips that you could suggest ? 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Happiness Is .. Financial Independence

Nothing quite beats the feeling of financial independence ! I started my first business at 21 and my second at 28.  I may not be able to afford to buy a house right now or even get a mortgage as I'm self-employed but just knowing that I earn enough to support myself, and indulge my passions (whether it be travel or learning something new or taking the 'summer' off work) is quite a feeling in itself.  

Do you remember what it felt like when you got your first pay cheque ? That euphoric feeling and sense of accomplishment ? How did it feel knowing that you are no longer dependent on your folks now that you're earning on your own ? 

Just remember that if you have the ability to work and earn right now - no matter what the income is - be grateful that you can do that because there are people out there who are unable to meet their basic requirements.  

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Happiness Is .. Making Peace With Your Past

Sometimes you just have to confront your past and lay out ground rules so that it doesn't suddenly pop up and send your present helter-skelter. 

As hard as it may be to - don't look back at your past.  If something isn't working out for you - regardless of the situation i.e. work / personal life / education etc chalk out your options / alternatives and strive forward.  Once you've made that choice - don't dwell on the past.  This is when applying the 3 C's of Life will help you : make a choice to take a chance to change your life ! 

Once you have truly accepted that the past should remain in the past - you'll be able to see what the future has in store for you.  Life is too short to stress yourself.   I've made peace with my past - have you ? 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Happiness Is .. Accepting Yourself

How aware are you of who YOU really are ? Are you aware of the positive & negative qualities that you possess and the qualities that people think you have ? How 'accepting' are you

I came to the conclusion almost 2 decades ago when I was still in school that I'm different from my peers.  I didn't fall into the flock although I definitely had many 'flocks' of friends.  I'm an all-round person.  I can pretty much adapt to any situation I'm put in.  I'm very comfortable in my own skin.  I don't give a f*ck what people think about me (not in a bad way) but because unless you can tell me to my face - your opinion holds no value to me).

I have good days and bad days like everyone else.  I love my business and it drives me.  I work hard to party even harder.  There are days I wish my sweet tooth wasn't so bad and in turn that would result in me dropping at least 10 kgs but I do love dessert way too much to really give it up.  I love my friends fiercely.  

Do you accept and enjoy yourself for who you are ? 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Happiness Is .. The Love of Parents

Doesn't seeing this image leave you with a warm fuzzy feeling ? We often take our parents for granted and oversee the sacrifices they have made to ensure that their children are comfortable.  

'Unconditional' - it appears to be the only apt word to describe the love a parent has for their child.  As my Mum puts it - she loves all her children even the ones who give her grief (clearly that's not me). 

I've taken to spending the mornings chatting with my Mum - getting to know what her plans are or what she thought of the last movie that she saw.  I realise now as I write this post that I 'spoke' to my Mum almost every day whilst I was travelling for the summer (and that's something I've never done in all my years of travelling)..  

I reckon she deserves a vacation ! Hopefully I can take her somewhere she wants to visit in 2016.  

Don't forget to drop your folks a quick hello by email / text / phone call or give them a hug if you happen to live at home or if you are in their neighbourhood.