Thursday, September 26, 2013

Diva's Ultimate Blog Challenge Theme

The one thing I’ve learned in the last year of taking part in the Ultimate Blog Challenge is that unless you are a natural writer or someone who is in the habit of blogging every single day – it can get a bit difficult to find inspiration to post every day of the challenge.

And that’s where a ‘theme’ really comes in handy and can keep you motivated to blog every day.  My very first UBC was in Jan ’12 where I just blogged about random topics every day – and it did get hard towards the end of it.  I followed up this challenge by taking part in the A to Z Challenge in April ’12 where I focused on the theme ‘The A to Z of Blogging’ since each day had to be a post beginning with a letter of the alphabet. 

For this years challenge - I'm going to broadly go with the theme 'Think About It' where I'll be sharing quotes / sayings / images that have caught my attention and made me think; and hopefully will catch yours too which will in turn allow you to share your thoughts on the subject as well. 

Do you have a theme that you are following for the Ultimate Blog Challenge ? Don't forget to share your blog link in the comments so I can come visit during the course of the challenge. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

And The Ultimate Blog Challenge Is Back

I need to break out of this blogging lull that I seem to have fallen into.  I feel like I’m driving myself crazy with the never ending thoughts in my head.  The only way that I reckon I may be able to express a fraction of what I've been thinking is by participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge October 2013.   

I took part twice last year which did wonders for my blog and helped me push myself to blog and express myself; and this year I hope to be able to just get on with it and hit my target of 31 posts for the month of October. 

There are few simple rules to follow if you are interested in taking up the Ultimate Blog Challenge:
  1. Post every day for 31 days (yup - that's why it's a challenge).  Doesn't matter if you post twice a day and then skip a day – but you have to hit 31 posts over the entire month of October.
  2. Each post must have a minimum of 100 words to count – so you can’t just put up a picture or a video and leave it there.  You need to actually express yourself in at least 100 words.
  3. Once you've posted, then tweet your post with the tag #blogboost so other participants can find you, and come comment on your blog
  4. Go to the #blogboost page and take the time to read other participants blogs (and don’t forget to comment!)
  5. No adult blogs – so keep it PG
  6. Have fun whilst you blog !

You can sign up over here : and enter your name and email address (this also allows the organizers of the challenge to send you across daily blog ideas and gets you listed on the site as someone who is participating)

If you do decide to take part in the challenge, please make sure you leave a comment and share your blog link so that I can stop by your blog .

Friday, September 13, 2013

That Limbo Feeling

Don't you just hate that feeling of being left in limbo ?  It's this uneasy almost unreal feeling. You're neither here or there; you're not going forwards in life nor are you going backwards - you're just exactly where you are.  You're almost blank - mentally and emotionally. Its fine for a while but then it just sort of sucks doesn't it ? 
Despite having a certain degree of routine and structure to my life - I've found myself in this limbo like feeling. It's a bit unnerving and unnatural for me.  I guess it's all to do with what I'm going through internally.  

I want to do something to snap out of it.  It's not like I haven't tried.  I have.  I just seem to be stuck in a zone where nothing really seems to pull me out of it.  Some days it's a quick-sand type of feeling.  

It's an extremely uncomfortable feeling not being in control despite actually being in control.  My emotions are close to the surface and yet I feel they are buried so deep that I have to dig in just to be able to express myself.  And then, there's the temper that seems to be flaring up at the slightest of situations - which is unnecessary even for me. 

Where is serenity when you need it ? 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The First Try ...

Just when I contemplated beginning to pen down my thoughts – my head started to spin.  A sharp swirling followed by an almost grinding type of feeling that keeps pressing into the brow bone until I have to shut my eyes and rest my face against the mattress.  The pain stubbornly refused to cease until I changed my train of thought and the feelings that came up with it.

Could it be that we can be so overcome with emotion over voicing our inner thoughts that we cause a mental block within ?  That’s just how I feel right now.  I can see the words and phrases floating around my mind; whizzing left and right - but when I attempt to pen it down – the process is almost excruciating.  The more I think about where to begin – the sharper the throbbing and I can feel blood pounding against my temple. 

I know I will find a way to express myself – I have to for the sake of my own sanity ... it just won’t be today.   

Monday, September 2, 2013

Finalist For Best Dating Newcomer !

A couple of months ago - my blog was nominated for the Best Newcomer Award on the 

Thanks to all of your support and votes back in May & June- my blog has made it to the final stages of Great Dating Blogs 2013 in the 'Best Dating Newcomer' category !  Only 3 sites make it to the finals of each category so I can't begin to express how much it means to me that all of you in Bloggerville have taken the time to vote for me and my blog. I got this news towards the end of July but was not in the frame of mind to focus on this or even share this piece of wonderful news. 

Now it's time for the final round of voting and with your help, I could actually get to being in position 1 ! So if you could take a minute of your time and place your vote here for 'Dazed Reflection' -  I would really appreciate it.  Voting closes at Midnight on 30th September.  If you've enjoyed reading my blog over the years - please do share this with your friends on Facebook and Twitter and ask them to help a Diva out with a few votes right here at

Much love from Me x 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

An Attempt To Break The Blogging Silence

This is hard.  Harder than I imagined - given that I have so many thoughts whizzing around in my mind. 

I’ve had a writing block for 3 months now.  It’s not that I didn't have anything to write about – it’s just that every time I tried – words were just not enough.  Throughout June all the writing I did was for my company blog.  It was a different style of writing which I enjoyed and found it to be opening up another side of my mind.  Then I was travelling from mid-July where I did get down to writing a few mini-travel blog posts.  The travelling enabled me to feeling more like myself - at least when it came to my own blog. 

And then with one phone call – nothing else really mattered.  I couldn't tell you when day became night and days became weeks – but what I can say is that it’s been a literal blur.  Imagine your world as you know it coming to a stand-still in the midst of a storm.  You stand with feet planted just so that you don’t become uprooted in a tornado of emotions that you can barely begin to comprehend. The whole time keeping your chin held high while you anxiously await a new dawn. 

The travesty is such that it becomes painful to see it penned down in black & white.  I will do it - but not today.