Sunday, March 31, 2013

Diva’s A to Z Blogging Challenge Theme

a-z-of-sex-syn2The A to Z Blogging Challenge kicks off on the 1st of April ‘13.  Unfortunately due to my schedule, I was unable to register as a participant as I missed the deadline … but that’s not going to stop me. 

The theme is a bit racy .. and it’s going to be fun .. ‘A to Z of Sex’ !! 

I’ve been thinking about writing about a particular theme ever since I completed the challenge last year. In hindsight I should have just started writing the posts back then but that didn’t quite happen.

If you are participating in the challenge, have you decided on a theme ? What is it ?  If you aren’t participating, what are some of the topics you would like to read about based on my current theme ?


Photo Credit : Cosmopolitan Magazine

Thursday, March 28, 2013

A to Z Challenge 2013 Calendar

APRIL-2013-CALENDAR-001Last year I took part in the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge which I reckon was quite a success for me.  I had my blogging game on : theme in place, pre-scheduled posts and I was totally on a roll ! I’m hoping that 2013 is just as good especially since my poor blog has been slightly neglected.  I’ve been busy with work and not had much personal time – so I can’t really complain right ?

One of the hosts of the challenge, Jeremy of Retro-Zombie, has created a desktop calendar that has the breakdown of which Alphabets has to be used with each day in April.  You might want to download this onto your computer / laptop and use it as your desktop background as a form of motivation.  You know, just so you don’t forget to post each day.

You might also want to consider scheduling posts in case you think you won’t be able post every day for whatever reasons (work, travel, unexpected power cuts, illness) 

Good luck to everyone participating in the challenge ! If you have happened to stop by this page, please do share your blog link so that I can come visit you during the course of the challenge.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Honest Conversations

Damn.honest convos

That was one HONEST conversation.

No beating around the bush.  Every thought vocalized.

It was somewhat overwhelming, embarrassing, and gave real meaning to ‘getting a reality check’.

This was a conversation which bared all. 

It’s not as if I was avoiding this conversation.  I knew that it would open up Pandora’s box and be difficult to digest.

This was a risky conversation.  It meant being open, receptive and accepting of all that was being said.  It was going to take a while to actually assimilate and absorb in my mind, in my heart.

The circumstances are nowhere near being perfect; in fact it’s as complex as it can get.  And yet, someone chose to be that straight forward, and candid with me. 

It felt good to hear and yet it made my heart clench and bring tears to my eyes.  If only it wasn’t as complicated as it is.

Honesty is tricky isn’t it ?  The very thought of an actual genuine down right honest conversation can leave one feeling vulnerable; open to the potential pain and discomfort that conversation may lead to … BUT it also gives you the wake-up call that you need.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Exhausted & Overworked


I’ve more or less passed out at my laptop every night for the past 3 weeks now.  I can’t believe just how exhausted I’ve been ! It’s this horrid combination of being over-worked; staring at the laptop for hours on end;  the Indian summer heat-wave (think 39 C) and long hours of driving in the traffic hell that is Bombay !

And my poor blog, it’s been so neglected.   I start Windows Live Writer with the intention to write but before I know it – I’ve yawned myself into tears and just need to put my head down .. and when I open my eyes, it’s stupid o’clock and the laptop is already in sleep / hibernate mode and that’s when I just go back to bed.

I need some ‘me’ time .. just not sure when that is going to happen.

p.s. this post was written on 11th March and only just managed to get published !